Урок по теме «Конструкции с прилагательными для живого и красочного рассказа»
Конструкции с прилагательными для живого и красочного рассказа Конструкции с прилагательными для живого и красочного рассказа Несколько способов сделать свой рассказ более живым и эмоциональным. 1. such (a/an) + прилагательное + существительное Last weekend I...

«Конструкции с прилагательными для живого и красочного рассказа»

Из рубрики Прилагательные
Опубликовано 14 декабря 2023
Преподаватель: Катя

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Несколько способов сделать свой рассказ более живым и эмоциональным.

1. such (a/an) + прилагательное + существительное
Last weekend I went fishing at such a beautiful and peaceful lake. - В прошлые выходные я рыбачил на таком красивом и тихом озере.

2. as + прилагательное + as
I caught a fish as big as a dolphin. - Я поймал рыбу размером с дельфина.

3. конструкции с so
a. so + прилагательное
I was so excited! - Я был так взволнован!

b. so + прилагательное + that + результат
The fish was so strong that it nearly pulled me off the boat. - Рыба была такой сильной, что практически скинула меня с лодки.

Рекомендуем изучить
at all - совсем
can't wait - не терпится
filling - сытный
a guide - экскурсовод
hilarious - уморительный
laugh one's head off - хохотать до упаду
sight - зрелище
stand-up comedy - стендап-комедия
stunning - потрясающий
turn out - оказываться
vibrant - яркий
  • Cathy
    в январе
    Here's my story ^__^

    - Hey, buddy cat, what's up? You look excited. Did you catch a mouse?
    - I am excited. I'm so happy I want to purr! I caught such a big hamster yesterday!
    - No way! A hamster? Really? How big was it?
    - It was huge, gigantic, as big as a dog! Plus, the hamster was so nice that I decided not to eat it. It liked me, and we even made friends.
    - Okay, buddy, I get it, you want to impress me, but try not to exaggerate if you want your story to sound natural.
    - But I'm telling the truth! You can ask my new friend if you don't believe me. Hey, Peggy, come say hello to my buddy!
    *A large capybara enters the room and takes a seat on a couch, looking nonchalant.*
    - Whoa, a beast! Ruuuuun! Save yourself!
    - It's not a beast; it's my new friend, Peggy. Don't be afraid, she won't hurt you.
    - Geez, I almost fainted. What is that? It's as big as a dog. It's gigantic, it's HUGE! Wait... The hamster you caught...
    - I told you I was telling the truth!
  • Ответ пользователю Cathy
    в январе
    This is an interesting story. The host had just mistaken. Should be more presisely he must have been mistaken. He didn,t know himself what is that I guess. It's not worth taking offence at him.
  • Ответ пользователю ildar-rues
    в январе
    Hi Ildar! 👋 Thank you for your feedback! ^_^ You're absolutely right! The cats mistook a capybara for a hamster. But, in their perspective, they genuinely believed it was a colossal hamster. 🐹 After all, they're just cats, not biologists. My point was to highlight how the truth can indeed be stranger than fiction, don't you think? :)

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  • Ответ пользователю Cathy
    в январе
    Yes, indeed. But fiction is an constant engine of any moving ahead, maybe even far ahead. At above is fantasy, fiction. Only then their practical realisation, partly or full extent. It doesn't matter. Moreover, if we had declined fiction, all people would have lived boring, languid life.
    Are you satisfied such reply?
  • Ответ пользователю ildar-rues
    в январе
    I always enjoy reading your responses, and I appreciate the thoughtful comment about the importance of fiction. You have such a deep philosophical perspective. I can't help but agree that life without any fiction would be boring and empty. Thank you for sharing your thoughts ^_^

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  • ildar-rues
    в декабре
    I was so excited of the lesson that decided to write my comment immediately. The lesson is as melody as melody of famous composer, but I don't tell you who. Guess yourself. It's such a nice lesson and at the same time useful...
  • Ответ пользователю ildar-rues
    в январе
    Can I try to guess, please? 🐱 You compared this lesson to a melody by a famous composer. Since this lesson is about creating stories full of life and emotions, I would bet that the composer you have in mind is Mozart. His music also has the same lively and emotional atmosphere, am I right? ^_^

    Комментарий оставлен после завершения задания
  • Ответ пользователю Cathy
    в январе
    Yes. Any lesson is as a music, preferably they would be classic genre. Teachers are as conductors who rules educational process......

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