Я не нашёл ответа, хочу написать
By the end of the year, everyone feels only too knackered. At the same time, there's something in the air that makes us excited... Did I say 'something'? It’s not something but some definite things. These are hopes for a better year, wishes to change yourself, pleasure to give and to receive gifts and a welcome rest for a few days in a row.
New Year's not special for me as I don’t live by the calendar. I want nothing serious about myself to change. Gifts – yeah, that's always awesome. As for the rest, I try not to get tired. Short breaks are enough for me. After three days of chilling out with my head blank like a white sheet, I begin to think that... Full stop. Just 'I begin to think'. Then I start getting itchy fingers to do something – anything – productive. If there's a laptop at hand, I use both of them – hands – to make up a new story about English words.
Do I hope for a better year? Definitely, not. First, judging by what I see around, things are going South. Those in power are doing their best in this direction. Those under that power are accumulating hate. Society is cracking. The people are not a people but separate individuals, who find themselves living close to each other. Shall we say, a stone's throw away. That stone is a heavy one, and it seems like it’s going to be cast before long.
Second, I've got into the habit of hoping for the worst. One shouldn't get their hopes up. Prepared for a let-down beforehand, you don’t get so much hurt when sh...t does happen. On the other hand, if things get better, you feel satisfied as you’ve managed to man the boat in a proper way. All your efforts haven't gone down the drain. H…l, this is super encouraging!
Third, hoping without trying is not worth a tinker's damn. Just like words mean nothing without actions to back them up. That's why I give the new a go.
As you will have already understood, today's issue is going to be in English. Devoted goodyphils are used to having their grammar and lexis explained in Russian. However, this time grammar rules and lexical items you've been learning for a year will turn into a means of expressing ideas. Put simply, I've got thoughts for you to take into consideration – not about English but in it.
I've already started. I'll continue, if you please.
News is something new. Do we really need it?
In the 21-st century, the speed of information dissemination has increased enormously. Once an event has taken place – everyone who knows how to use the Internet is already aware of it.
News can be useful and entertaining. The first type concerns your life directly. It helps you make the right decisions. Accordingly, such news influences us, like it or lump it. It depends on you if the new knowledge will turn into real steps.
Entertaining news has nothing to do with practical use. Its purpose is mostly to distract the mind. A rest for the brain, if you like. And like any other kind of rest it shouldn't last for a long time.
Contemporary news is an endless muddy flood with a few nuggets of information you need and a whole lot of stuff you don't. Even if you've found a pearl, you're barely able to sort out the truth from the lies. Though, it is possible, take it from me. At the same time, note the time and energy that you took to succeed. You have any of these? I envy you.
News makes money. That's the reason why there appears so much of it around. The scheme works as follows.
A celebrity gets divorced. Mass media get filled with the news in no time. Crowds of people are eager to learn the circumstances. They browse the Internet and read articles, watch videos, listen to podcasts on the news. Meanwhile, ads catch your eye and ear – the well-paid ads.
That's common knowledge. Now, let's have a look at the matter from another angle.
You don't have a news source. You sell matches. No one wants matches – everyone wants hot news. You're smart enough to make space for news on your site. You hire a student to write something like "Celebrities split up assets down to the matches". This is it. You paid peanuts for an effective ad.
The truth is, nobody knows the truth. A copywriter just copies other people’s writing on the news. Some add in their personal view. Are you interested in it? So many people, so many minds, they say. Sometimes I doubt it, for people often think they have their own opinion while it's not wholly theirs. Give me your reasons why you believe you're right!
There's no having a sound point on everything. I'm not all that well up in politics. Dragging me into an argument is quite difficult. Why should I worry about not having a view? An opinion is not the truth at the end of the day.
The news as such loses its initial meaning. It became a tool for manipulating masses. The masses seem to like it.
I've got one good example. Everyone hates "Ibiza" by Kirkorov and Baskov. For all that, it has over 20 mln views. "The excuse" got 22 mln. Is it a failure or success? The authors consider it the latter. Are the two videos bad or good? There're no such criteria. There's a profit, instead. The irony is, those who haven't seen the gross videos are googling them now.
We're addicted to news. It gives us a false feeling of being involved in brand-new trends. However, trends change all the time. They are created artificially in order to get money and power. Youngsters don't see it and are milked for that shamelessly.
The better part of teenagers never grow up. Loads of unnecessary information ruin critical thinking or block its development. I'd hate it to be a trend. No news is good news – now that is a good one.
You may well ask what to do? Always listen to reason. Do not put stock in each piece of news. Get to grips with anything you consider essential for you. Enlighten yourself. Nobody will do it for you. I do believe everyone has a knack for analysis to a greater or lesser degree.
I don't give answers. What I really do is get you asking yourself questions.
Merry X-mas and a fruitful New Year!
Sincerely yours,
Ilya Manyshin.
Заключительная третья часть "AweSomeIlya, Three Billboards, vol. 3"Первую смотрят ЗДЕСЬ
Вторую смотрят ЗДЕСЬ
You really made me smile when predicting the googling of videos, not "Ibiza" as you've mentioned the authors, but "The excuse" did attract my mind, though I haven't found any with 22 mln views.
Nonetheless, if there exist people like authors and readers of Puzzle English (I really believe both to be up-minded), it's not over yet, is it?
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! I wish you prosperity, fulfillment of all desires, peace of mind and well-being in every way!
Happy New Year!! Cheer up! Ignore everything you can't control and stay positive!!
Вспоминается один случай в связи с этой фразой. Если мне память не изменяет, Листьева убили 1 марта 1995. На следующий день я пришел в университет, и преподаватель одного из аспектов английского, уже немолодая женщина, сказала по этому поводу следующую фразу: This country is going to the dogs... Ну практически то же самое...:) Что примечательно, дело было в Одессе, Листьева убили в Москве, но тогда мы ментально были одной страной... Так о чем бишь я... Прошло столько лет, а ничего не изменилось...
Thank you, you made my day! Happy New Year!
Поэтому я все же скажу вам прямыми словами то, что галантные мужчины в этой ветке пытались донести опосредованно, намеками.
Вы путаете понятия "нравится-не нравится" и "профессионально-не профессионально". Если кому-то не нравится стиль автора, то он так об этом и пишет, и никто с ним не спорит. Не нравится - не читай. На ошибки или неуместности в приличном обществе принято указывать, при этом предлагая свою версию. Именно на это вам намекал Юрий Некрасов. Вы же критиковали, сами не зная, как правильно, поэтому и не предъявляли свою версию.
Мало того, вы делали это, используя грубую и оскорбительную лексику. А вот это уже совсем дурной тон. И именно это привлекло к вашим комментариям такое внимание. Мне странно объяснять такие элементарные вещи, по-видимому, взрослому человеку, но я считаю, что если некому это было сделать до меня, то я просто обязана донести это до вашего сведения.
P.s. мне любопытно было бы понаблюдать за вашей реакцией на экспонаты, к примеру, музея Гугенхайма, с требованием у администратора телефона художника, чтобы высказать ему: "Мазня. Неуч. Вон из искусства!"
Удачи вам в новом году. :)
Первое слово hell, или я что-то не так понял? Если hell, тогда зачем заточивать (сам слово придумал по аналогии с "запикивать")? Слово-то вроде вполне приличное...
Да, не смотрел клип "Ибица", так что понятия не имею, про что речь в статье. Видимо, имеется в виду какое-то популярное в массах дурновкусие на потребу широкой публике. Знаю только "Цвет настроенья синий", но там нет Баскова. :) Чего-то пока не тянет смотреть. Возможно, позже посмотрю. Как и "The excuse". Надо же быть в тренде. :)Это тоже Киркоров? )
В новом году я продолжу писать на английском. В какой форме это будет выражаться - пока не знаю, надо пробовать разное. Продолжатся киноразборки. Появятся другие форматы видео.
Отдельно стоит отметить трудную работу моего корректора - Леры Рыбаковой. И поблагодарить нашу обложечницу - Дашу Косенко. Картинка к этому выпуску получилась просто блестящей. Все смыслы она выдумывает сама. Ну, и правильно будет сказать спасибо коллеге по творческому цеху - Юрию Некрасову.
Всем сердечный благодарень за то, что мы провели этот год вместе. С вами интересно и нескучно. Надеюсь, это взаимно. С Наступающим! И пусть новый год станет для каждого из вас лучше прежних!
Ещё раз больше оптимизма вам, Илья. Уже по-русски. И пусть ваши близкие вас радуют.
I wish you get to new creative heights in coming 2019 year and Happy holidays!
этот год был тяжелым..
этот год был тяжелым..
этот год был последним..
Thank You very much and happy holidays!
О Плюшке. Стильно. Лирично. Печально, что огорчило. Хочется предчувствия хорошего - а таки не получается. Понимаю... Сама такая.
По поводу " A copywriter just copies other people’s writing on the news". Я опять со своими "пятью копейками" :) . Копирайтер - это человек, который пишет РЕКЛАМНЫЕ тексты. Он не имеет отношения к новостям и копированию чего-то там. Наоборот, для него принципиальна УНИКАЛЬНОСТЬ текста. И представители профессии категорически настаивают именно на такой версии. Их цель - маркетинг и продажи (сама, как пишущая леди :) , спорила со специалистами этой сферы неоднократно - и таки сдалась ) . Словарь Лонгмана со мной согласен
Надеюсь, не обидела. Училка во мне не выключается даже глубокой ночью. Что мне не мешает Вами восхищаться.
ПС. С Наступающим. Новым проектов – и таки оправданных надежд на лучшее
That's one of my life principles as well: don't have high hopes and be prepared for the worst possible outcome, than you won't be disappointed if the worst comes to the worst. And if things turn out better than you expected, well, you may be even encouraged or just glad which is not so bad in itself.
But, in my opininon, it is still worth hoping for the better, not worse. Hope often is the only thing many people have, their last refuge. It is the only thing we all have. It is not human to deprive us all of this last refuge. )So, I do not approve of this way as a guiding life principle, but to use it as a psychological trick for some situations is quite OK. Some superstitious people do so, I guess.
The general tone of this article seemed rather pessimistic to me. I would like to wish you, Ilya, more optimism in the coming year. :) Of course, I know the saying that a pessimist is a well-informed optimist, )but still believe that to be a well-informed optimist is quite possible no matter how hard it might seem.
I am all for the advice to use your mind and critical thinking. This applies to everything actually, especially the news. Don't buy everything you are sold, don't be gullible and naive, don't believe words and ungrounded accusations. Any opinion-maker just expresses his or her opinion and it is up to you to decide how close it is to reason. I say to reason, not truth, because it is really hard to get to the truth. Anyone has his own truth, probably the only one often does not exist. I would just suggest to be more selective in the flow of information, this endless muddy flood, as Ilya put it. Selective according to your tastes and interests. And, possibly, you will find some serene spring or a remote well where it would be pleasant to immerse yourself and enjoy the peace and quiet among all the current rat race...
Sorry for so many words. I did not expect it to be that way. Wish everyone happy holidays and all the best in the New Year. Hope, some will share their ideas.