Текст и перевод песни Where the Boys Go The Rolling Stones (Роллинг Стоунз) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Where the Boys Go - The Rolling Stones

Where the Boys Go

Hey girls, you better listen to me

I'm getting starved for your company

All day Monday, and all day Tuesday

I played football, there's nothing on the telly

Now ever since I was just 13 years old

Well, I always felt shy but I acted so bold

I never had the money and I never had the class

But I always seemed to get myself a Saturday night piece of ass!

Where the boys go, Saturday night

Where the boys all go, hold me tight

Where the boys all go, Saturday night

Where the boys all go

Saturday morning you can see me at the pub

And I'm pissing away me money and I can't stand up

Cab fare, pop? You look silly in the road

Get in everybody, where the boys all go!

Hey! Never keep a secret from me

Hey! Never keep a secret from you

Hey! Never keep a secret from me

Where the boys go, Saturday night

Where the boys go, hold me tight

Where the boys go, stand around and grope

Where the boys go, showing off their clothes

Where the boys go, down the disco!

Hey girls, what you doing tonight?

Now do you want to dance, or do you want to bite?

Look here, darling, I know the score

Paint your face, dye your hair, I'll see you round the back!

Where the boys go, Saturday night

Where the boys go, hold me tight

Where the boys go, Saturday night

Where the boys go, for a giggle and a lawff

Where the boys go, and a little piece of ass

Where the boys go, for a little piece of this

Where the boys go, for a little piece of that

Where the boys go, for a little piece of stick!

Where the boys go, for a little piece of cunt!

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