Текст и перевод песни Sway The Rolling Stones (Роллинг Стоунз) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Sway - The Rolling Stones


Did you ever wake up to find

A day that broke up your mind

Destroyed your notion of circular time

It's just that demon life has got you in its sway

It's just that demon life has got you in its sway

Ain't flinging tears out on the dusty ground

For all my friends out on the burial ground

Can't stand the feeling getting so brought down

It's just that demon life has got me in its sway

It's just that demon life has got me in its sway

There must be ways to find out

Love is the way they say is really strutting out

Hey, hey, hey now

One day I woke up to find

Right in the bed next to mine

Someone that broke me up with a corner of her smile, yeah

It's just that demon life has got me in its sway

It's just that demon life has got me in its sway

It's just that demon life has got me in its sway

It's just that demon life has got me...

It's just that demon life has got me...

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