Текст и перевод песни Short and Curlies The Rolling Stones (Роллинг Стоунз) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Short and Curlies - The Rolling Stones

Short and Curlies

Too bad she's got you by the balls

You can't get free at all

She's got your name

She's got your number

You're screaming

Like thunder

And you can't get away from it all

It's too bad, she's got you by the balls

You can't break loose at all

She's got your name

She's got your number

You're screaming like thunder

And you're trapped like a rat in a hole

It's too bad, she's got you by the balls

She's nailed you to the wall

Oh, it's a shame

Ah but it's funny

She crashed your car

She spend your money

And you can't get away from it all

It's too bad, she's grabbed a handful

And you can't get away from it all

It's too bad, ooh, and it's painful

And you can't break away from this stall

And you can't get away from it all

It's too bad

She's got you by the balls

She's got your name

She's got your number

You're screaming blue murder

And you can't get away from it all

It's too bad, she's got you by the balls

It's too bad, she's got you by the balls

It's too bad, she's got you by the balls

She's got you by the...

It's too bad, it's too bad

It's too bad, it's too bad

So sad, so sad

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