Текст и перевод песни She's So Cold The Rolling Stones (Роллинг Стоунз) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни She's So Cold - The Rolling Stones

She's So Cold

I'm so hot for her

I'm so hot for her

I'm so hot for her

And she's so cold

I'm so hot for her

I'm on fire for her

I'm so hot for her

And she's so cold

I'm the burning bush

I'm the burning fire

I'm the bleeding volcano

I'm so hot for her

I'm so hot for her

I'm so hot for her

And she's so cold

Yeah, I tried re-wiring her

Tried re-firing her

I think her engine is

Permanently stalled

She's so cold

She's so cold

She's so cold, cold, cold

Like a tombstone

She's so cold

She's so cold

She's so cold, cold, cold

Like an ice cream cone

She's so cold

She's so cold

And when I touch her

My hand just froze

Yeah, I'm so hot for her

I'm so hot for her

I'm so hot for her

And even so

Put your hand on the heat

Put your hand on the heat

Aw, come on baby, let's go

She's so cold

She's so cold, cold

She's so c-c-c-cold

But she's beautiful, though

Yeah, she's so cold

She's so cold

She's so cold

She was born

In an arctic zone

She's so cold

She's so c-c-c-cold

And when I touch her

My hand just froze

She's so cold

She's so goddamn cold

She's so cold, cold, cold

She's so cold

Who would believe

You were a beauty indeed

When the days get shorter

And the nights get long

Lie awake and the rain comes

Nobody will know

When you're old, when you're old

Nobody will know

That you was a beauty

A sweet, sweet beauty

A sweet, sweet beauty

But stone, stone cold

You're so cold

You're so cold, cold, cold

You're so cold

You're so cold

I'm so hot for you

I'm so hot for you

I'm so hot for you

And you're so cold

I'm the burning bush

I'm the burning fire

I'm the bleeding volcano

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