Текст и перевод песни Miss Amanda Jones The Rolling Stones (Роллинг Стоунз) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Miss Amanda Jones - The Rolling Stones

Miss Amanda Jones

Down and down she goes

Our, Amanda Jones

I said down and down and down and down

She'd look really lovely at home

Till somebody gonna come up and ask her

To live happily ever after, Miss Amanda Jones

On and on she goes

Little Miss Amanda Jones

I said on and on and on and on

Just watch her as she grow

Don't wanna say it very obviously

But she's losing her nobility, Miss Amanda Jones

Hey girl don't you realize

The money invested in you

Hey girl you just got to find

Someone who'll really pull your family through

Up and up she goes

Our Amanda Jones

I said up and up and up and up

She looks quite delightfully stoned

She's the darling of the discotheque crowd

Of her lineage she's rightfully proud, miss Amanda Jones

Hey girl with your nonsense nose

All pointing right down at the floor

Hey girl your suspender shows

And the girl behind you looks a bit unsure

Round and round she goes

The world of Amanda Jones

I said round and round and round and round

The balls and the dinners and show

The little girl she just wanders about

Till it's time for her coming out, miss Amanda Jones

Round and round and round

Round and round and round...

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