Текст и перевод песни Mean Disposition The Rolling Stones (Роллинг Стоунз) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Mean Disposition - The Rolling Stones

Mean Disposition


I'm getting wise to you

You're going to see

I'm going to work on you

The way you worked on me

I got a sharper aim

And you're in my sights

And if I'm going to go

I'm going in a blaze of lights

And in this crazy world of hit and run

There are no laws here

There's just a loaded gun

She's got a mean disposition

She's got a big shooter too

She's got a mean disposition

Really make a mess

Really make a mess out of you

I never close my eyes

I never sleep

I'm staying on my guard

Waiting for my flesh to creep

And I never trusted you

You never trusted me

I'll do a deal with you

If you'll do a deal with me

For me the nightmare's only just begun

There is no law here

Just a loaded gun

She's got a mean disposition

Got a big shooter too

She's got a mean disposition

Got a bad attitude

She's got a mean disposition

Going to cut your half

Going to cut your half in two

I'm going have to stand my ground

Like Crockett at the Alamo

I'm going to draw the line

One of us has got to go

She's got a mean disposition

Got a big shooter too

She's got a mean disposition

Got a bad attitude

She's got a mean disposition

Going to make a mess out of you

She's got a mean disposition

Going to cut your half

Going to cut your half in two

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