Текст и перевод песни Luxury The Rolling Stones (Роллинг Стоунз) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Luxury - The Rolling Stones


I want a real fine car, fly Miami too

All the rum, I want to drink it, all the whiskey too

My woman need a new dress, my daughter got to go to school

I'm working so hard, I'm working for the company

I'm working so hard to keep you in the luxury

You can't call me lazy on a seven day a week

Make a million for the Texans, twenty dollar me

Yes, I want a gold ring, riding in a limousine

I'm working so hard, I'm working for the company

I'm working so hard to keep you in the luxury

Now listen, I'm a proud man, not a beggar walking on the street

I'm working so hard, to keep you from the poverty

I'm working so hard to keep you in the luxury, oh yeah

I'm working so hard, I'm working so hard

Harder, harder, working, working, working

I think it's such a strange thing, giving me concern

Half the world it got nothing the other half got money to burn

My woman need a new dress, my daughter got to go to school

I'm working so hard, I'm working for the company, oh, yeah

I'm working so hard, oh, yeah

Working on a Sunday in refinery

Make a million for the Texans, twenty dollar me

All the rum, I want to drink it, I got responsibility

I'm working so hard to keep you from the poverty, oh, yeah

I'm working so hard, I'm working for the company, oh, yeah

I'm working so hard, oh, yeah

Harder, harder, working, working...

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