Текст и перевод песни Low Down The Rolling Stones (Роллинг Стоунз) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Low Down - The Rolling Stones

Low Down

Won't you give me the low down

Just as quick as you can

Baby, I've been out of touch

Just give me the scam

Don't give me the sports page, baby

No political news

Don't you give me the gossip

Just give me the truth

Just between me and you

Give me the low down

If you can

Don't want a show down

I just want to know where I stand

Don't read me the horoscope babe

That ain't what I need

Our future will never last

But that's between you and me

I don't want the movie section

I'll see for myself

I don't want the news that fits

Shove it back on the shelf

Give me the truth

Just between me and you

Give me the low down

If you can

I don't want a show down

I just want to know where I stand

The headlines are screaming

They change everyday

As long as I ain't in them

I'm happy that way

I know that you won't lie to me

But you hold back the truth

Please give me the low down

I can only get it from you

Give me the truth

Just between me and you

Give me the low down

If you can

Don't want a show down

I just want to know where I stand

Give me the low down

As quick as you can

I don't want to hear about it

I want it straight from you

Give me the truth

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