Текст и перевод песни It Must Be Hell The Rolling Stones (Роллинг Стоунз) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни It Must Be Hell - The Rolling Stones

It Must Be Hell

We've got trouble, that's for sure

We got millions unemployed

Some kids can't write

Some kids can't read

Some kids are hungry

Some overeat

Our TV leader boldy speaks

The words of Christ he tries to preach

We need more power to hold the line

The strength of darkness still abides

Must be hell living in the world

Living in the world like you

Must be hell living in the world

Suffering in the world like you

Keep in a straight line, stay in tune

No need to worry, only fools

End up in prison of conscience cells

Or in asylums they help to build

Must be hell living in the world

Suffering in the world like you you you you

Must be hell living in the world

Suffering in the world like you

Must be hell

Suffering in the world like you

We're free to worship, we're free to speak

We're free to kill, that's guaranteed

We got our problems, that's for sure

Clean up the backyard, don't lock the door

Must be hell living in the world

Suffering in the world like you

Must be hell living in the world

Suffering in the world like you

I say we we are heaven bound

I say we we are heaven bound

I say we we are heaven bound

I say we we are heaven bound

I say we we are heaven bound...

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