Текст и перевод песни Infamy The Rolling Stones (Роллинг Стоунз) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Infamy - The Rolling Stones


Don't you know you've got it in for me?

I knew it right from the start

I'm still learning my lines, baby

Since you've rewritten my part

Oh, why have you got it in for me?

Things they are not what they seem

You're living in a nightmare, baby

But I mistook it for a dream

Yeah, just for a dream

But I mistook it all for a dream, yeah yeah

You've got it in for me

You've got it in for me

I know you've got it in for me

You didn't miss a thing

It's you that wrote the song, baby

But me who's got to sing, yeah

I knew you had it in for me

Where to take it from here?

We got along so famously

Time you made it clear, yeah

You made it very, very clear

You made it abundantly clear

You've got it in for me

I knew it right from the start

You've already convicted me

Why are you hard on my heart?

Ooh, you're right on my heart

Oh yes, so hard

So hard on my heart (You got it in for me)

Ooh, in for me, baby (You got it in for me)

Why, baby, why, baby, why? (You got it in for me)

All you want to do is wipe the floor with me (You got it in for me)

Come on, why, baby, why? (You got it in for me)

Hmm (You got it in for me)

Right from the start (You got it in for me)

Yes, you've got it in for me (You got it in for me)

In for me right from the start, yeah yeah (You got it in for me)

I should have seen it coming (You got it in for me)

Ahh (You got it in for me)

Fine, fine heart (You got it in for me)

Ooh yeah (You got it in for me)

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