Текст и перевод песни In Another Land The Rolling Stones (Роллинг Стоунз) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни In Another Land - The Rolling Stones

In Another Land

In another land

Where the breeze and the trees and flowers were blue

I stood and held your hand

And the grass grew high and the feathers floated by

I stood and held your hand

And nobody else's hand will ever do

Nobody else will do

Then I awoke

Was this some kind of joke?

Much to my surprise

I opened my eyes

We walked across the sand

And the sea and the sky and the castles were blue

I stood and held your hand

And the spray flew high and the feathers floated by

I stood and held your hand

And nobody else's hand will ever do

Nobody else will do

Then I awoke

Was this some kind of joke

Much to my surprise

When I opened my eyes

We heard the trumpets blow

And the sky turned red when I accidentally said

That I didn't know

How I came to be here, not fast asleep in bed

I stood and held your hand

And nobody else's hand will ever do

Nobody else's hand

Then I awoke

Was this some kind of joke

I opened my eyes

Much to my surprise

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