Текст и перевод песни Hand of Fate The Rolling Stones (Роллинг Стоунз) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Hand of Fate - The Rolling Stones

Hand of Fate

The hand of fate is on me now

It pick me up and knock me down

I'm on the run, I'm prison bound

The hand of fate is heavy now

I killed a man, I'm highway bound

The wheel of fortune keeps turning round

Turning round, turning round

I should have known it was a one horse town

My sweet girl was once his wife

He had papers the judge had signed

The wind blew hard, it was stormy night

He shot me once, but I shot him twice

The hand of fate is on me now

It pick me up and it kicked me right down

Kicked me right down

Kicked me right down

I had to save her life

Yeah, I gunned him twice

Yeah, and I watched him die, watch out boy

Yeah, I watched him die

He was a barroom man, the violent kind

He had no love for that gal of mine

Then one day in a drinking bout

He swore he'd throw me right of town

The hand of fate is on me now

I shot that man I put him underground

I put him underground

Yes I did

I'm on the run, I hear the hounds

My luck is up, my chips are down

So goodbye baby, so long now

Wish me luck, I'm going to need it child

The hand of fate is on me now

Yeah it's too late

Too late baby, too late now

The hand of fate is on me now

The hand of fate is heavy now

It pick you up and knock you down

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