Текст и перевод песни Down in the Hole The Rolling Stones (Роллинг Стоунз) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Down in the Hole - The Rolling Stones

Down in the Hole

Will all your money

Buy you forgiveness

Keep you from sickness

Or keep you from cold?

Will all your money

Keep you from madness

Keep you from sadness

When you're down in the hole?

'Cause you'll be down in the gutter

You'll be bumming for cigarettes

Bumming for nylons

In the American Zone

You'll be down in the hole

Yeah, down in the hole

No escape from trouble

Nowhere to go

Down in the gutter

Begging for cigarettes

Begging forgiveness

All that you know

Down in the hole

After digging the trenches

Looking for cover and finding out there ain't nowhere nowhere to go

Nowhere nowhere nowhere to go

None of your money

Will buy you forgiveness

None of your jewelry

None of your gold

Your black market cigarettes

Your American nightclubs

Ah, they've got nowhere left

Something for nothing

All of your friends gone

Something for nothing

That's all that you know

There's something down in the hole

Down down down in the hole

There's something down down down down in the hole

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