Текст и перевод песни Citadel The Rolling Stones (Роллинг Стоунз) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Citadel - The Rolling Stones


Men are armed, shout who goes there

We have journeyed far from here

Armed with bibles, make us swear

Candy and Taffy, hope we both are well

Please come see me in the citadel

Flags are flying, dollar bills

Round the heights of concrete hills

You can see the pinnacles

Candy and Taffy, hope we both are well

Please come see me in the citadel

In the streets are many walls

Hear the peasants come and crawl

You can hear their lovers call

Candy and Taffy, hope we both are well

Please come see me in the citadel

Screaming people fly so fast

In their shiny metal cars

Throug the woods of steel and glass

Candy and Taffy, hope we both are well

Please come see me in the citadel

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