Текст и перевод песни Can You Hear the Music The Rolling Stones (Роллинг Стоунз) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Can You Hear the Music - The Rolling Stones

Can You Hear the Music

Can you hear the music, can you hear the music?

Can you feel the magic hanging in the air?

Can you feel the magic? Oh, yeah

Love is a mystery I can't demystify, oh, no

Sometimes I wonder why we're here

But I don't care, I don't care

Can you hear the music, can you hear the music?

Can you feel the magic dancing in the air?

Can you feel the magic? Oh, yeah

Love is a mystery I can't demystify, oh, no

Sometimes I I'm dancing on air

But I get scared, I get scared

When I hear the drummer, get me in the groove

When I hear the guitar, makes me wanna move

Can you feel the magic, floating in the air?

Can you feel the magic? Oh, yeah

Sometimes you're feeling you've been pushed around

And your rainbow just ain't here

Don't you fear, don't you fear

When you hear the music trouble disappear

When you hear the music ringing in your ears

Can you feel the magic floating in the air?

Can you hear the magic? Oh, yeah, yeah

When you hear the music ringing in my ear

Can you hear the music? Oh, yeah

Can you hear the drummer? Gets you in the groove

Can you hear the guitar? Make you wanna move? Yeah

Can you hear the music? Oh, yeah

Can you hear the music ringing in my ear?

Can you hear the music, can you hear the music?

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