Текст и перевод песни Brand New Car The Rolling Stones (Роллинг Стоунз) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Brand New Car - The Rolling Stones

Brand New Car

I got a brand new car

And I, I like to drive real hard

I got a brand new car

And I, I'm feeling good so far

Take her on the highway for a little spin

I want to see the kind of shape she's in

And I, I got a brand new star

Jack her up baby, go on, open the hood

I want to check if her oil smells good

Mmm, smells like caviar

Give her some stick

Push her too far

Right to the brink

Hear the motor running

Yeah, she's right in sink

Tell me if she's thirsty

Would she like a drink

And I'm stopping at this bar

Slinky like a panther

You can hear her purr

Touch her on the seat

Go on, feel the fur

And I got a brand new star

Mmm, feel the juice

Foot to the floor

Take some abuse

Whoa I, I got a brand new car

And I, I drive her in the dark, yeah

And I, I got a brand new car

Mmm, I think I'll stop and park, all right

I sit in the dark

I, here my credit card

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