Текст и перевод песни Blinded by Rainbows The Rolling Stones (Роллинг Стоунз) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Blinded by Rainbows - The Rolling Stones

Blinded by Rainbows

Did you ever feel the pain

That he felt upon the cross?

Did you ever feel the knife

Tearing flesh that's oh so soft?

Did you ever touch the night?

Did you ever count the cost?

Do you hide away the fear?

Put down paradise as lost

Yeah, you're blinded by rainbows

Watching the wind blow

Blinded by rainbows

Do you dream at night?

Do you sleep at night?

I doubt it

Did you ever feel the blast

As the semtex bomb goes off?

Do you ever hear the screams

As the limbs are all torn off

Did you ever kiss the child

Who just saw his father shot?

Do you ever shed a tear

As the war drags on and on?

Do you ever touch the night?

Or is it just another job?

Do you feel the final hours?

Put down paradise as lost

Yeah you're blinded by rainbows

And faces in windows

Blinded by rainbows

Do you dream at night?

Do you sleep at night?

I doubt it

Do you ever fear the night?

Could it be the war is lost?

Do you fear the final hour?

Do you kneel before the cross?

You're blinded by rainbows

And watching the wind blow

Blinded by rainbows

Do you dream at night?

Do you scream at night?

Do you smell of fear?

Is your conscience clear?

Are you caked in sweat?

Are your clothes all wet?

Do you see the light?

Is the end in sight?

See the face of Christ

Enter paradise?

I doubt it

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