Текст и перевод песни Before They Make Me Run The Rolling Stones (Роллинг Стоунз) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Before They Make Me Run - The Rolling Stones

Before They Make Me Run

Worked the bars and sideshows along the twilight zone

Only a crowd can make you feel so alone

And it really hit home

Booze and pills and powders, you can choose your medicine

Well, here's another goodbye to another good friend

After all is said and done

Gotta move while it's still fun

Let me walk before they make me run

After all is said and done

I gotta move, it's still fun

I'm gonna walk before they make me run

Watched the taillights fading, there ain't a dry eye in the house

They're laughing and singing

Started dancing and drinking as I left town

Gonna find my way to heaven, 'cause I did my time in hell

I wasn't looking too good but I was feeling real well

After all is said and done

I gotta move, I had my fun

Let us walk before they make me run

After all is said and done

I did alright, I had my fun

I will walk before they make me run

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