Текст и перевод песни Fashion Beats The Black Eyed Peas (Блэк Айд Пиз) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Fashion Beats - The Black Eyed Peas

Fashion Beats

Модные ритмы

Hey doctor, is something wrong with me?

Am I crazy? Do I need a remedy?

I'm a club rocker, that's my personality

It's in fashion to be blasting them beats

And I like to go out every night

I like to go out every night

I like to go out every night

I like to go out and

Dance, dance to them beats, beats, beats (to the beat),

Dance, dance to them beats, beats, beats, (to the beat),

Dance, dance to them beats, beats, beats (to the beat).

Rock, rock to them beats, beats, beats (to the beat)

Get ready for the night, woah.

Party people just keep on rocking

Get ready for the night, woah.

Party people just keep on rocking, rocking

In fashion,

In fashion,

In fashion,

In fashion

Hey, yeah.

Hey, yeah.

Enchanté, comment allez-vous?

Très bien, merci et vous?

Super good, super nice

Salt and pepper,

Sugar and spice

Space sugar case to the moon,

Let's go,

Coco, Chanel, Marilyn Monroe

Catwalk, fashion show,

Runway, fashion show,

Tall man, radio

G6, I don't know.

Get ready for the night, woah.

Party people just keep on rocking

Get ready for the night, woah.

Party people just keep on rocking, rocking

In fashion,

In fashion,

In fashion,

In fashion

Hey, yeah.

Hey, yeah.

Hey, yeah.

Hey, yeah.

Hey doctor, ain't nothing wrong with me

I ain't crazy, I don't need no remedy

I'm a club rocker, that's my personality

And it's in fashion to be blasting them beats

And I like to go out every night

I like to go out every night

I like to go out every night

I like to go out

Bonsoir, I'm going at night

Bonsoir, we're going at night

Bonsoir, we're going at night

Bonsoir, je me reveille??

Fashion, chic, sexy, freak

Fashion, chic, sexy, freak

In fashion,

In fashion,

In fashion,

In fashion

To the beat,

To the beat,

To the beat

Rock, rock to them beats, beats, beats (to the beat)

Dance, dance to them beats, beats, beats (to the beat)

Dance, dance to them beats, beats, beats (to the beat)

Rock, rock to them beats, beats, beats,

Beats, beats, beats, beats, beats.

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