Текст и перевод песни Will the Circle Be Unbroken Susan Boyle (Сьюзан Бойл) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Will the Circle Be Unbroken - Susan Boyle

Will the Circle Be Unbroken

There are loved ones in the glory

Whose dear forms you often miss

When you close your earthly story

Will you join them in their bliss?

Will the circle be unbroken

By and by, by and by?

Is a better home awaiting

In the sky, in the sky?

In the joyous days of childhood

Of they told of wondrous love

Pointed to the dying saviour

Now they dwell with him above

Will the circle be unbroken

By and by, by and by?

Is a better home awaiting

In the sky, in the sky?

You remember songs of heaven

Which you sang with childish voice

Do you love the hymns they taught you

Or are songs of earth your choice?

You can picture happy gath'rings

Round the fireside long ago

And you think of tearful partings

When they left you here below

Will the circle be unbroken

By and by, by and by?

Is a better home awaiting

In the sky, in the sky?

One by one their seats were emptied

One by one they went away

Now the family is parted

Will it be complete one day?

Will the circle be unbroken

By and by, by and by?

Is a better home awaiting

In the sky, in the sky?

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