Текст и перевод песни Love Is the Seventh Wave Sting (Стинг) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Love Is the Seventh Wave - Sting

Love Is the Seventh Wave

Любовь — девятый вал

In the empire of the senses

You're the queen of all you survey

All the cities, all the nations

Everything that falls your way, I say

There is a deeper world than this

That you don't understand

There is a deeper world than this

Tugging at your hand

Every ripple on the ocean

Every leaf on every tree

Every sand dune in the desert

Every power we never see

There is a deeper wave than this

Swelling in the world

There is a deeper wave than this

Listen to me, girl

Feel it rising in the cities

Feel it sweeping overland

Over borders, over frontiers

Nothing will its power withstand, I say

There is no deeper wave than this

Rising in the world

There is no deeper wave than this

Listen to me, girl

All the bloodshed, all the anger

All the weapons, all the greed

All the armies, all the missiles

All the symbols of our fear, I say

There is a deeper wave than this

Rising in the world

There is a deeper wave than this

Listen to me, girl

At the still point of destruction

At the center of the fury

All the angels, all the devils

All around us, can't you see

There is a deeper wave than this

Rising in the land

There is a deeper wave than this

Nothing will withstand

I say love is the seventh wave

I say love is the seventh wave

I say love is the seventh wave

I say love is the seventh wave

I say love is the seventh wave

I say love is the seventh wave

I say love

Every ripple on the ocean

Every leaf on every tree

Every sand dune in the desert

Every power we never see

There is a deeper wave than this

Swelling in the world

There is a deeper wave than this

Listen to me, girl

Every ripple on the ocean

Every leaf on every tree

Every sand dune in the desert

Every breath you take with me

Every breath you take

Every move you make

Every cake you bake

Every leg you break

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