Текст и перевод песни Rock God Selena Gomez & The Scene (Селена Гомес и Сцена) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Rock God - Selena Gomez & The Scene

Rock God

Бог рока

Rock mafia

Rock mafia

Preacher man walked into the bar and he said, he said

'Hey girl, can't you walk a mile straight?'

Father, I'm torn and I'm selling my soul to the

Rhythm, the beat and the bass 'cause I can't

Confess my rock and roll ways

'Cause I'm so possessed with the music,

The music he plays

I can't stop my feet from dancing to the sound of his drum

Oh no, I fell in love with my rock god

I can't keep my hips from swaying to his sweet melody

You see, I fell in love my rock rock god

Preacher man took my hand and looked in my eyes

He said 'hey girl can't you leave?' and I cried

'Father tames daughter is so black and white..

Don't cast the first stone 'cause I'm not alone'

And it's not like I'm hurting anyone..

But I can't confess my rock... my rock and roll ways

I can't stop my feet from dancing to the sound of his drum

Oh no, I fell in love with my rock god

I can't keep my hips from swaying to his sweet melody

You see, I fell in love my rock rock god

I can't stop my feet from dancing to the sound of his drum

Oh no, I fell in love with my rock god

I can't keep my hips from swaying to his sweet melody

You see, I fell in love my rock rock god

No I wouldn't change a thing even if I could

Coz I chose a path and I'm not looking back

and I'm sorry if I left the angels crying

over me...

I can't stop my feet from dancing to the sound of his drum

Oh no, I fell in love with my rock god

I can't keep my hips from swaying to his sweet melody

You see, I fell in love my rock rock god

preacher man...

preacher man...

preacher man...

preacher man..

Preacher man

preacher man

preacher man

preacher man

'cause I'm gone... gone... gone

Gone gone gone

Yeah I'm gone, gone, gone


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