Текст и перевод песни Fireworks Roxette (Роксет) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Fireworks - Roxette


I once knew a girl

I can't remember her name but I remember her face

'cos her sister looked the same

They both left school, but they couldn't find a job

So they said farewell and stole a small town car

As they were riding by the beach some summer night

The radio shouted out one of those songs that might just change your life

It went like this:

"Checking in checking out

Making love I like watching all your fireworks

I like it when I light those stars in your eyes

Just like fireworks in the sky"

Yes it did...

Throwing some poems to the ports and docks

They were sleeping outdoors pushing all their luck

They sent me a letter full of pills and thrills

Then they both got rich and moved to Hollywood Hills

Yea they made lots of money playing folk guitar

'Cos everywhere the boys went crazy just to hear these words of art:

"Checking in checking out

Take it to the sky

Making love I like watching all your fireworks

I like it when I light those stars in your eyes

Just like fireworks in the sky"

They're coming to get you

They're coming to get you now

Coming to get you now

Watch the sky!

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