Текст и перевод песни This Is the Place Red Hot Chili Peppers (Ред Хот Чили Пепперс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни This Is the Place - Red Hot Chili Peppers

This Is the Place

This is the place where all the junkies go

Where time gets fast but everything gets slow

Can I get some Vaseline?

Step into a modern scene

Take a chance on that which seems to be the making of a dream

I don't wanna do it like my daddy did

I don't wanna give it to my baby's kid

This is my calling, I said my darling

Shocking, appalling all I can do to you

Hammers are falling, I said my darling

Shocking, appalling all I can do to you

This is the place where all the devils plead

Their case to take from you what they need

Can I isolate your gene?

Can I kiss your dopamine?

In a way I wonder if she's living in a magazine

I don't wanna say it if it isn't so

I don't wanna weigh it but I've got to know

I saw you out there yesterday

What did you wanna say?

A perfect piece of DNA

Caught in a flashing ray

I caught you out there in the fray

What did you wanna say?

A master piece of DNA

Caught in a flashing ray

Can I smell your gasoline?

Can I pet your wolverine?

On the day my best friend died

I could not get my copper clean

I don't wanna take it up with little Joe

I don't wanna fake it but I've gotta know

I am a misfit

I'm born with all of it

The fucking ultimate

Of love inside the atom split

I'm in a flash ray

A mash of DNA

Another popping Jay

Who thinks he's got something to say

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