Текст и перевод песни The Hunter Red Hot Chili Peppers (Ред Хот Чили Пепперс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни The Hunter - Red Hot Chili Peppers

The Hunter

Woke up this morning like I always do

I still like to think that I'm new

Time just gets its way

Strawberries left to decay

Can't find my pants or my bank account

Don't you slip away

Voices that start to betray

Even though you raised me I will never be your father

King of each and every Sunset Marquis

Even though you're crazy you will never be a bother

You're my Old Man In the Sea

I still like to laugh when I make a joke

I still like to think that there's hope

Time just has its say

Strawberries left to decay

Struck by the sight of an empty hall

Don't you fade away

Voices that start to betray

Even though you raised me I will never be your father

King of each and every Sunset Marquis

Even though you're crazy you will never be a bother

You're my Old Man In the Sea

The hunter gets hunted

We all get confronted

Don't just slip away

Voices that start to betray

Even though you raised me I will never be your father

King of each and every Sunset Marquis

Even though you're crazy you will never be a bother

You're my Old Man In the Sea

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