Текст и перевод песни Savior Red Hot Chili Peppers (Ред Хот Чили Пепперс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Savior - Red Hot Chili Peppers


Dusting off your savior

Well, you were always my favorite, always my man

All in a hand

To celebrate you is greater now that I can

Always my man

Now you see what I came for

No one here is to blame for, misunderstand

All in a hand

Just like you cause you made me all that I am

All in a hand

A butterfly that flaps its wings

Affecting almost everything

The more I hear the orchestra

The more I have something to bring

And now I see you

In a beautiful and different light

He's just a man

And any damage done will be all right

Call out my name

Call and I came

Dusting off your savior

Forgiving any behavior, he's just a man

All in a hand

Your hero's destined to waver, anyone can

Always my man

I would never betray you

Look at me who could raise you, face in the sand

Safe in your hand

You were always my favorite, always my man

All in a hand

We are the red hots

And we're loving up the love-me-nots

The flowers in your flower pots

Are dancing on the table tops

And now I see you

In a beautiful and different light

He's just a man

And everything he does will be alright

Call out my name

Call and I came

Dusting off your savior

The life that you have narrated

You were my man

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