Текст и перевод песни I Like Dirt Red Hot Chili Peppers (Ред Хот Чили Пепперс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни I Like Dirt - Red Hot Chili Peppers

I Like Dirt

Some come up and some come young

Live to love and give good tongue

Sit down get down in the sun

Rocket to the woman is on the one

I like dirt

I like dirt

I like dirt

I like dirt

The earth is made of dirt and wood

And I'd be water if I could

Live in a dream

In your stream

Live in a dream

Some come up and some come young

Live to love and give good tongue

Sit down get down in the sun

Rocket to the woman is on the one

I like dirt

I like dirt

I like dirt

I like dirt

Some come slow and overload

Must roll over when you're told

Let's unzip and let's unfold

A letter to the pet better get it to go

I like dirt

I like dirt

I like dirt

I like dirt

Space is made of everything

And I'd be fire that I bring

Live in a dream

In your spring

Live in a dream

Some come slow and overload

Must roll over when you're told

Let's unzip and let's unfold

A letter to the pet better get it to go

I like dirt

I like dirt

I like dirt

I like dirt

Some come up and some come young

Live to love and give good tongue

Sit down get down in the sun

Rocket to the woman is on the one

I like dirt

I like dirt

I like dirt

I like dirt

Some come up and some come young

Live to love and give good tongue

Sit down get down in the sun

Rocket to the woman is on the one

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