Текст и перевод песни Encore Red Hot Chili Peppers (Ред Хот Чили Пепперс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Encore - Red Hot Chili Peppers


Listen to the Beatles and the sound of laughing Ed McMahon, we got high

Educated by a world so full of self and lost in space, too much pride

Cosmonauts and dirty thoughts are juggling the juggernaut, Soviet Spy

Every now and then when I remember to befriend, the little things in life

Hey you're fine

I wanna listen to the radio

Driving down Calexico highway

And now I know the signs for sure

Hold my hand

I want to share it all with Mary

Results are gonna vary now

Later on I'll read to you the things that I've been needing to say goodbye

Walk away from mom and dad to find the love you never had, tell no lies

Carry on and write a song that says it all and shows it off 'fore you die

Take a little breath before you catch an early death there is so much sky

Hey you're fine

I wanna listen to the radio

Driving down Calexico highway

And now I know the signs for sure

Hold my hand

I want to share it all with Mary

Results are gonna vary now

Skinny brains and little stains upon your

Face teenage remains tell me more

Lifted in the fifties when you really rather drifted through time, let's soar

Hey you're fine

I wanna listen to the radio

Driving down Calexico highway

And now I know the signs, for sure, for sure

Hold my hand

I want to share it all with Mary

Results are gonna vary now

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