Текст и перевод песни Yet Another Movie / Round and Around Pink Floyd (Пинк Флойд) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Yet Another Movie / Round and Around - Pink Floyd

Yet Another Movie / Round and Around

One sound, one single sound

One kiss, one single kiss

A face outside the window pane

However did it come to this?

A man who ran, a child who cried

A girl who heard, a voice that lied

The sun that burned a fiery red

The vision of an empty bed

The use of force, he was so tough

She'll soon submit, she's had enough

The march of fate, the broken will

Someone is lying very still

He has laughed and he has cried

He has fought and he has died

He's just the same as all the rest

He's not the worst, and he's not the best

And still this ceaseless murmuring

The babbling that I brook

The seas of faces, eyes upraised

The empty screen, the vacant look

A man in black on a snow white horse

A pointless life has run its course

The red rimmed eyes, the tears still run

As he fades into the setting sun

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