Текст и перевод песни Waiting for the Worms Pink Floyd (Пинк Флойд) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Waiting for the Worms - Pink Floyd

Waiting for the Worms

"Eins, zwei, drei, alle!"

Ooooh, you cannot reach me now

Ooooh, no matter how you try

Goodbye, cruel world, it's over

Walk on by

Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall

Waiting for the worms to come

In perfect isolation here behind my wall

Waiting for the worms to come

We're waiting to succeed and going to convene outside Brixton Town Hall where we're going to be...

(Waiting) To cut out the deadwood

(Waiting) To clean up the city

(Waiting) To follow the worms

(Waiting) To put on a black shirt

(Waiting) To weed out the weaklings

(Waiting) To smash in their windows and kick in their doors

(Waiting) For the final solution to strengthen the strain

(Waiting) To follow the worms

(Waiting) To turn on the showers and fire the ovens

(Waiting) For the queens and the coons and the reds and the Jews

(Waiting) To follow the worms

Would you like to see Britannia

Rule again, my friend?

All you have to do is follow the worms

Would you like to send our coloured cousins

Home again, my friend?

All you need to do is follow the worms

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