Текст и перевод песни San Tropez Pink Floyd (Пинк Флойд) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни San Tropez - Pink Floyd

San Tropez

As I reach for a peach

Slide a rind down behind

The sofa in San Tropez

Breakin’ a stick

With a brick on the sand

Ridin’ a wave

In the wake of an old sedan

Sleepin’ alone in the

Drone of the darkness

Scratched by the sand that

Fell from my love

Deep in my dreams and I

Still hear her callin’

“If you’re alone

I’ll come ho-ho-home”

Backward and homebound

The pigeon, the dove

Gone with the wind

And the rain, on an airplane

Owning a home

With no silver spoon

I’m drinking champagne

Like a good tycoon

Sooner than wait for

A break in the weather

I’ll gather my far-flung

Thoughts together

Speeding away

On the wind to a new day

And if you’re alone

I’ll come ho-ho-home

And I pause for a while

By a country style

And listen to the things they say

Diggin’ for gold

In a hole in my hand

Open a book

Take a look at the way things stand

And you’re leading me down

To the place by the sea

I hear your soft voice

Calling to me

Making a date for

Later by phone

And if you’re alone

I’ll come ho-ho-home

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