Текст и перевод песни The Theatre Pet Shop Boys (Пет Шоп Бойз) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни The Theatre - Pet Shop Boys

The Theatre



It's another world here

The streets are gleaming

I was even dreaming

That they're paved with gold

Seventeen, at half past ten

All the crowds are surging past

An electric display

There's another world here

Below shop windows

Upon the pavement

Where you wave goodbye

Boys and girls

Come to roost

From Northern parts

And Scottish towns

Will we catch your eye?

While you pretend not to notice

All the years we've been here

We're the bums you step over

As you leave the Theatre


It's another world here

Somebody is singing (Yeah)

I was only wishing

For a bit of cash

From a patron of the arts

Or at least the Phantom of the Opera

Will I catch your eye?

While you pretend not to notice

All the years we've been here

We're the bums you step over

As you leave the Theatre



(Ha ha ha ha...)


Pavarotti in the park

Then you walked back up the Strand

Did you catch my eye?

And then pretend not to notice

All the years we've been here

We're the bums you step over

As you leave the Theatre



In the end, you pretend

'Cause it's so much easier

We're the bums you step over

As you leave the Theatre


We're the bums you step over

As you leave the Theatre


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