Перевод песни The Priest - Limp Bizkit

The Priest


It could be the absinthe talking...

(I don't think so)

I don't either.

I've gotta find a new place...

A new place to feed...

Gotta be...

Stop everything, something is not feeling right

The planets are not all aligned

I know it, I've felt this before

My evil is thirsting for more

I need a new outlet to feed

What can I do?

I've got an idea; I think I'll just become a priest

Deceiving them with my belief

I'll preach about what life is worth

And cover my sins with the church

My demons can run around free

No one will suspect a thing

I'll show them its okay to lust

A priest is who children can trust

I've found a new outlet to feed

Baptized by the unexpected

Terrorized by the imperfections

Something's not right

The planets are not all aligned

I know it, I've felt this before

My evil is thirsting for more

I need a new outlet to feed

What can I do?

I've got an idea; I think I'll just become a priest

Deceiving them with my belief

I'll preach about what life is worth

And cover my sins with the church

My demons can run around free

No one will suspect a thing

I'll show them its okay to lust

A priest is who children can trust

I've found a new outlet to feed

Baptized by the unexpected

Terrorized by the imperfections

Baptized by the unexpected

Terrorized by the imperfections

Oh my God...

I'm watching TV, I can't...

Oh, what's this WORLD coming to?

I see a priest molesting children...

I see terrorists blowing up buildings...

I see someone in rage, killing Dimebag on stage...

What the fuck is this?

What the fuck is this?

I got a kid

Should I send him to Sunday School?

I got a kid

Should I send him to Sunday School?

So you can FUCK HIM?

Oh no, no you ain't gonna fuck him

How 'bout this?

I DON'T FUCKING KNOW who I can trust, in this world

And I'm gonna blow, one time

I'm not that scared

Something is not feeling right

The planets are not all aligned

I know it, I've felt this before

My evil is thirsting for more

I need a new outlet to feed

Baptized by the unexpected

Terrorized by the imperfections

Baptized by the unexpected

Terrorized by the imperfections.

(Marching band music)

Wake up, people, and look at life around you!

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