Текст и перевод песни Grigio Girls Lady Gaga (Леди Гага) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Grigio Girls - Lady Gaga

Grigio Girls

Девчонки с бокалом Гриджио в руках

I was 23

She was 35

I was spiralling out

And she was so alive

A Texas girl real strong

Taught me this strong song

So when I start to bawl

She says, "let your teardrops fall"

All the Pinot, Pinot Grigio girls

Pour your heart out

Watch your blues turn gold

All the Pinot, Pinot Grigio girls

Keep it real cold

'Cause it's a fired up world

Oh, oh, make it all make sense

Oh, oh, does it all make sense

Oh, oh, make it all make sense

Sisters never pack up

We always run back love

Seven years ago

I said you'd make it so

Sonja was Joanne's friend

Tough girls on the mend

So when I'm feeling small

I toss that cork and call

All the Pinot, Pinot Grigio girls

Pour your heart out

Watch your blues turn gold

All the Pinot, Pinot Grigio girls

Keep it real cold

'Cause it's a fired up world

Oh, oh, make it all make sense

Oh, oh, make it all make sense

Oh, oh, does it all make sense

So we'll turn on a bachelorette

Dye Ashley's hair red

And then we'll have our sixth

Spice girl in this bitch

All the Pinot, Pinot Grigio girls

Pour your heart out

Watch your blues turn gold

All the Pinot, Pinot Grigio girls

Keep it real cold

'Cause it's a fired up world

All the Pinot, Pinot Grigio girls

Gather 'round now

Watch your blues turn gold

All the Pinot, Pinot Grigio girls

Keep it real cold

'Cause it's a fired up world

Created by Ardi Erfanto

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