Текст и перевод песни Where in the World? Kylie Minogue (Кайли Миноуг) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Where in the World? - Kylie Minogue

Where in the World?

There'll never be

Another moment like this

The touch of your hand

Maybe this is our final kiss

And I don't know why

You're leaving tonight

It's so hard to believe

Am I dreaming or is this goodbye?

Where in the world will I be without you

If you are leaving?

Where is the love that was meant to be true

And we believed in?

Now you're saying that you're leaving me

Taking your heart setting me free

Don't know where in the world I will be

If you are leaving

I'll never know

As long as I live

Feelings so deep in my heart

From a love such as this

So don't take away

The light from my day

The sun and the moon would be mine

If only you'd stay

Where in the world will I be without you

If you are leaving?

Where is the love that was meant to be true

And we believed in?

Now you're saying that you're leaving me

Taking your heart setting me free

Don't know where in the world I will be

If you are leaving

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