Текст и перевод песни Say the Word - I'll Be There Kylie Minogue (Кайли Миноуг) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Say the Word - I'll Be There - Kylie Minogue

Say the Word - I'll Be There

Oh, in the dead of night

Adrift on the ocean wide

High on the mountain side

You can count on me

If you're deep in the jungle boy

Caught in a winter storm

Kidnapped by anyone

I'll set you free

Say the word - I'll be there

To give you love and care

There's nothing that I wouldn't do for you

Say the word - I'll be there

I'll reach you anywhere

Nothing can keep me away from you

If you're lost in the wilderness

Can't tell the east from west

Just feeling second best

I won't let you down

The night comes around again

And you're with a friend

I'll love to the very end

I'll come around

Say the word - I'll be there

To give you love and care

There's nothing that I wouldn't do for you

Say the word - I'll be there

I'll reach you anywhere

Nothing can keep me away from you

If you're deep in the jungle boy

Caught in a winter storm

Kidnapped by anyone

I'll set you free

Say the word - I'll be there

To give you love and care

There's nothing that I wouldn't do for you

Say the word - I'll be there

I'll reach you anywhere

Nothing can keep me away from you

Say the word - I'll be there

To give you love and care

There's nothing that I wouldn't do for you

Say the word - I'll be there

I'll reach you anywhere

Nothing can keep me away from you

Say the word - I'll be there

To give you love and care

There's nothing that I wouldn't do for you

Say the word - I'll be there

I'll reach you anywhere

Nothing can keep me away from you

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