Текст и перевод песни Fever Kylie Minogue (Кайли Миноуг) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Fever - Kylie Minogue



I've been bitten by the bug and I am coming down with oh

Something that can't be cured

There ain't a doctor in this town who is more qualified then you

Yeah to be so adored

So tell me what do you prescribe for these symptoms

A heart beating faster and work is a disaster

I'm lovesick when you're not around

Check me over

When strong hands are healing

I'm dancing on the ceiling

Fever sure has got me good

Whatcha do when fever takes hold

I can't help but need this drug

Don't you feel the fever like I do?

Feel the fever

I am ready for the news so tell me straight

Hey doctor just what do you diagnose

There ain't a surgeon like you any place in all the world

So now shall I remove my clothes?

So tell me what do you advise for these symptoms

A heart beating faster and work is a disaster

I'm lovesick when you're not around

Check me over

When strong hands are healing

I'm dancing on the ceiling

Fever sure has got me good

Whatcha do when fever takes hold

I can't help but need this drug

Don't you feel the fever like I do?

Fever sure has got me good

Whatcha do when fever takes hold

I can't help but need this drug

Don't you feel the fever like I do?

Tell me what do you prescribe for these symptoms

A heart beating faster and work is a disaster

I'm lovesick when you're not around

Check me over

When strong hands are healing

I'm dancing on the ceiling

Fever sure has got me good

Whatcha do when fever takes hold

I can't help but need this drug

Don't you feel the fever like I do?

Feel the fever

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