Текст и перевод песни Dreams Kylie Minogue (Кайли Миноуг) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Dreams - Kylie Minogue



To have every man but to love only one

To wake with the moon and sleep with the sun

To be a sinner, a saint, a lover and friend

To know a beginning but never an end

To fly in the ocean and swim in the skies

Believer in truth, defendant of lies

To know the purest love, the deepest pain

To be lost and found again and again and again

These are the dreams of an impossible princess

These are the dreams of an impossible princess

To know the power of wealth and poverty

To taste every moment and try everything

To be hailed as a hero, branded a fool

Believe in the sacred and break every rule

To give into pleasure with no boundaries

Living in chaos and harmony

To feel the touch of a man, a woman's caress

To know the limits of torture and tenderness

These are the dreams of an impossible princess

These are the dreams of an impossible princess

Man and woman

Boy and girl

They want to escape this world

Man and woman

Boy and girl

They want to escape this world

(Nothing what it seems

Living in your dreams)

(These are the dreams of an impossible princess

These are the dreams of an impossible princess)

It's a way of dealing with all the feeling, keep believing in dreams

It's a way of dealing with all the feeling, keep believing in dreams

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