Текст и перевод песни I Had a Dream Kelly Clarkson (Келли Кларксон) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни I Had a Dream - Kelly Clarkson

I Had a Dream

У меня был сон

If you wanna lead, be a leader

If you wanna dream, be a dreamer

Climb to the top of that mountain and scream it... But

Remember when you get to the top

Everything you say is gonna matter

Everything you do is gonna add up

It's what you asked for... So

Don't get mad when it's not what you thought

Careful now girl with them Jezebel ways

Crown on your head but you're queen of clichés

Little one playing with the big boys now

Hope you're ready when it comes back around

I had a dream that we were more

A generation to behold

Lighting fires with our words

Instead of useless smoke that blurs the lines of right and wrong

Expression that lives on

An army with a song

That lingers when we're gone

I had a dream

If you wanna preach, be a preacher

If you wanna teach, be a teacher

Remember that the footprints you're leaving... Will

Tell us all who you really are

It's too bad you can't see what you're worth

Spreading your legs 'stead of using your words

Character is shown by the things that we do

The one thing you're never gonna hide is the truth

'Cause anyone can tell when they're selling out

And anyone can fly when they're falling down

I had a dream that we were more

A generation to behold

Lighting fires with our words

Instead of useless smoke that blurs the lines of right and wrong

Expression that lives on

An army with a song

That lingers when we're gone

I had a dream

I had a dream

I had a dream that we were more (I had a dream that we were more)

A generation to behold (to behold)

Lighting fires with our words (lighting fires with our words)

Instead of useless smoke that blurs the lines of right and wrong

Expression that lives on (lives on)

An army with a song

That lingers when we're gone (when we're gone)

(I had a dream) I had a dream

I had a dream

I had a dream

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