Текст и перевод песни Up Justin Bieber (Джастин Бибер) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Up - Justin Bieber



It's a big, big world

It's easy to get lost in it

You've always been my girl

And I'm not ready to call it quits

We can make the sun shine in the moon light

We can make the grey clouds to the blue skies

I know it's hard

Baby, believe me

That we can go nowhere but up

From here, my dear

Baby, we can go nowhere but up

Tell me what we've got to fear

We are taking to the sky pass the moon

Through the galaxy

As long as you're with me, baby

Honestly with the strenght of our love

We can go nowhere but up

It's a big, big world

And I'm gonna show you all of it

I'm gonna lish you with pearls

From every ocean

That we've swim in it

We can make the sun shine in the moon light

We can make the grey clouds to the blue skies

Yeah, I know it's hard

Baby, believe me, ooh

That we can go nowhere but up

From here, my dear

Baby, we can go nowhere but up

Tell me what we've got to fear

We are taking to the sky pass the moon

Through the galaxy

As long as you're with me, baby

Honestly with the strenght of our love

We can go nowhere but up

Nowhere but up

Baby, we were undergroug

We're on the surface now

We're gonna make it, girl

I promise

If you believe in love

And you believe in us

We can go nowhere but

We can go nowhere but up

From here, my dear

Baby, we can go nowhere but up

Tell me what we've got to fear

We're taking to the sky pass the moon

Through the galaxy

As long as you're with me, baby

Honestly with the strenght of our love

We can go nowhere but up

Nowhere but up

Nowhere but up


Nowhere but up

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