Текст и перевод песни Dead Horse Guns N’ Roses (Ганз энд Роузес) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Dead Horse - Guns N’ Roses

Dead Horse

Sick of this life

Not that you'd care

I'm not the only one with

Whom these feelings I share

Nobody understands,

Quite why we're here

We're searching for answers

That never appear

But maybe if I looked real hard I'd

I'd see your trying too

To understand this life,

That we're all going through

Then when she said she was gonna, like, wreck my car

I didn't know what to do


Sometimes I feel like I'm beating a dead horse

And I don't know why you'd be bringing me down

I'd like to think that our love's worth a tad more

It may sound funny but you'd think by now

I'd be smiling

I guess some things never change, ooh

Never change

I met an old cowboy

I saw the look in his eyes

Something tells me he's been here before

'Cause experience makes you wise

I was only a small child

When the thought first came to me

That I'm a son of a gun and the gun of a son

That brought back the devil in me

Ooh, sometimes I feel like I'm beating a dead horse

And I don't know why you'd be bringing me down

I'd like to think that our love's worth a tad more

It may sound funny but you'd think by now

I'd be smiling

I guess some things never change

Never change

I ain't quite what you'd call an old soul

Still wet behind the ears

I been around this track a couple of times

But now the dust is starting to clear, oh yeah

Sometimes I feel like I'm beating a dead horse

I don't know why you'd be bringing me down

I'd like to think that our love's worth a tad more

It may sound funny but you'd think by now

I'd be smiling

Ooh yeah, I'd be smiling

No way I'd be smiling

Ooh smiling

Sick of this life

Not that you'd care

I'm not the only one with

Whom these feelings I share

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