Текст и перевод песни Last Living Souls Gorillaz (Гориллаз) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Last Living Souls - Gorillaz

Last Living Souls

Are we the last living souls?

Are we the last living souls?

Are we the last living souls?

Are we the last living souls?

Take a gun or how you say

That’s no way to behave

You’re just alone

When you begin

To sing a song

That doesn’t sing

And it grows

Hey, you know”

Are we the last living souls?

Are we the last living souls?

Are we the last living souls?

Are we the last living souls?

Are we the last to get away

To a sun, another day

Or do we know what we know

Because it seems to be conveyed that way

Are we the last living souls?

Are we the last living souls?

Are we the last living souls?

Are we the last living souls?

Get up, get up, get up, get up...

Lord, save me

‘Cause all I have sung

I got it down wrong

I’ve seen myself to get

The Lord, seeing all now

Can you take us in?

The part that’s coming on

The coldest man who doesn’t say it’s wrong

I'm moving towards, to the car

I see you walk into the fog

But when you get there, what do you see?

You see the last, it’s you and me

Cause we're the last living souls

We're the last living souls

Yeah, we're the last living souls

We're the last living souls

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