Текст и перевод песни Demon Days Gorillaz (Гориллаз) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Demon Days - Gorillaz

Demon Days

In demon days, it's cold inside

You don't get nobody, people sigh

It's so bad, lasting far, but love yourself

Hiding in a hole in there

All the glasses are far too big bring it back, got to hold it back

To let you do that yet you don't want me back

Before it fall down, falling down, falling down

Falling out to go far, far from the sun

In these demon days it's so cold inside

So hard for a good soul to survive

You can't even trust the air you breathe

Cause mother earth wants us all to leave

When lies become reality you numb yourself with drugs and TV

Pick yourself up it's a brand new day so turn yourself round

Don't burn yourself, turn yourself turn yourself around into the sun

In these demon days it's so cold inside

So hard for a good soul to survive

You can't even trust the air you breathe

Cause mother earth wants us all to leave

When lies become reality you numb yourself with drugs and TV

Pick yourself up it's a brand new day so turn yourself round

Don't burn yourself, turn yourself turn yourself around into the sun

To the sun, to the sun

To the sun, to the sun

To the sun, to the sun

To the sun, to the sun

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