Текст и перевод песни Smiley Faces Gnarls Barkley на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Smiley Faces - Gnarls Barkley

Smiley Faces

What did you do, what did you say?

Did you walk, or did you run, away?

Where are you now, where have you been?

Did you go alone, or did you bring a friend?

I need to know this 'cause I noticed when you're smilin'

Out in the sun, havin' fun and feelin' free

And I can tell you know how hard this life can be

But you keep on smilin' for me

(Girl, let me smile at you)

(Girl, let me smile at you)

What went right, what went wrong?

Was it a story, or was it a song?

Was it overnight, or did it take you long?

Was knowing your weakness what made it strong?

Or all the above?

Oh, how I love to see you smilin'

And, oh yeah, take a little pain, just in case

You need something warm to embrace

To help you put on a smilin' face

Hey, put on a smilin' face

(Girl, let me smile at you)

(Girl, let me smile at you)

Don't you go off into the new day with any doubt

Here's a summary of somethin' that you could smile about:

Say, for instance, my girlfriend, she bugs me all the time

But the irony of it all is that she loves me all the time

I want to be you, whenever I see you smilin'

'Cause it's easily one of the hardest things to do

Your worries and fears become your friends

And they end up smilin' at you

Put on a smilin' face

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