Текст и перевод песни Wolves Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Wolves - Garth Brooks


January's always bitter,

But Lord this one beats all

The wind ain't quit for weeks now,

And the drifts are ten feet tall

I been all night driving heifers

Closer in to lower ground

Then I spent the morning thinking

'Bout the ones the wolves pulled down.

Charlie Barton and his family

Stopped today to say goodbye

He said the bank was taking over,

The last few years were just too dry

And I promised that I'd visit,

When they found a place in town

Then I spent a long time thinking

'Bout the ones the wolves pulled down.

Lord, please shine a light of hope

On those of us who fall behind.

And when we stumble in the snow,

Could you help us up, while there's still time?

Well, I don't mean to be complaining Lord,

You've always seen me through

And I know you got your reasons

For each and every thing you do

But tonight outside my window,

There's a lonesome mournful sound

And I just can't keep from thinking

'Bout the ones the wolves pulled down.

Oh Lord, keep me from being

The one the wolves pull down.

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