Текст и перевод песни White Flag Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни White Flag - Garth Brooks

White Flag

I say black, you say white

I say day, you call it a night

What's wrong with this scene

What does this mean

You set me up, shoot me down

I'm wounded on this battleground

It's time, for sure, for ending this war

'Cause my heart can't take anymore

Sending up, sending up, sending up a white flag

Love won't have a chance if all we do is just fight about it

Sending up, sendin up, sending up a white flag

Damn these circumstance

Love is headed for a fall

So before we lose it all, oh baby

I'm sending up a white flag

Place no blame, what's the use

Lay these weapons down and call a truce

Can't we (can't we) work it out (work it out)

'Cause I love you baby, ain't no doubt

Isn't that what love's about

Sending up, sending up, sending up a white flag

Love won't have a chance if all we do is fight about it

Sending up, sending up, sending up a white flag

Damn these circumstance

Love is headed for a fall

So before we lose it all, oh baby

I'm sending up a white flag

I'm sending up a white flag

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