Текст и перевод песни When You Come Back to Me Again Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни When You Come Back to Me Again - Garth Brooks

When You Come Back to Me Again

There's a ship out on the ocean at the mercy of the sea

It's been tossed about lost and broken wandering aimlessly

And God, somehow You know that ship is me

Cause there's a lighthouse in the harbor shining faithfully

Pouring its light out across the water for this sinking soul to see

That someone out there still believes in me

On a prayer in a song

I hear your voice and it keeps me hanging on

Raining down against the wind

I'm reaching out till we reach the circle's end

When you come back to me again

There's a moment we all come to

In our own time and our own space

Where all that we've done we can undo

If our heart's in the right place

On a prayer in a song

I hear your voice and it keeps me hanging on

Raining down against the wind

I'm reaching out till we reach the circle's end

When you come back to me again

And again I see

My yesterday's in front of me

Unfolding like a mystery

You're changing all that is and used to be

On a prayer in a song

I hear your voice and it keeps me hanging on

Raining down against the wind

I'm reaching out till we reach the circle's end

When you come back to me again

When you come back to me again

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