Текст и перевод песни What She's Doing Now Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни What She's Doing Now - Garth Brooks

What She's Doing Now

Last time I saw her it was turning colder

But that was years ago

Last I heard she had moved to Boulder

But where she's now, I don't know

There's something 'bout this time of year

That spins my head around

Takes me back and makes me wonder

What she's doing now

'Cause what she's doing now is tearing me apart

Filling up my mind and emptying my heart

I can hear her call each time the cold wind blows

And I wonder if she knows, what she's doing now

Just for laughs, I dialed her old number

But no one knew her name

Hung up the phone, sat there and wondered

If she'd ever done the same

I take a walk in the evening wind

To clear my head somehow

But tonight I lie here thinking

What she's doing now

'Cause what she's doing now is tearing me apart

Filling up my mind and emptying my heart

I can hear her call each time the cold wind blows

And I wonder if she knows

What she's doing now is tearing me apart

Filling up my mind and emptying my heart

I can hear her call each time the cold wind blows

And I wonder if she knows, what she's doing now

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